Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guest Designer Spot: Day Three...

I am still far away from my crafting space, but I wanted to share a sneaky peeky of the third and final card I created for my Guest Designer spot. Click HERE to see the full card and find out all the details. If you missed days one and two, please click HERE and HERE. I had an absolute blast and thank you so much to Sharon Harnist and JRS for the honor of having me! I hope to be back soon and get my creative mojo going!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guest Designer Spot: Day Two...

Hey there! I'm still away, but here is a sneaky peeky at the second card I created for my Guest Designer spot. To see the full card and details, click HERE. Then, come back tomorrow for the last day of my card parade!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Guest Designer Spot: Day One...

Thank you so much to everyone for all the well-wishes and congratulations on my upcoming 2 Sketches 4 You Design Team news! I'm still pinching myself.
Here is a little something that I cooked up before leaving on vacation. It's a sneaky peeky at a Guest Designer spot I'm doing! Click HERE to see the full card and find out all the details. Then, check back tomorrow for day two of the three fabulously fun days I had designing! 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Dancing...

Today is Sunday, but no ordinary Sunday. I went to bed late last night feeling more than a smidge disappointed at not having heard from anyone about the 2 Sketches 4 You Design Team spot, after having obsessively checked my email all day. I had given up around dinnertime and went to bed thinking, well, maybe I'll be lucky enough to be selected a Fab 5, which is always an honor. This morning, I awoke and turned on the computer, actually looking forward to seeing who had been chosen, as the last choice, Angie Tieman, was such an exciting one...and lo and behold there was an email waiting for me from Kazan Clark and Laura Davis, the inimitable team behind the blog challenge telling me that they were inviting me to join their rock star DT!
Let's just say that I shrieked so loudly that I freaked out my hubby and my son a little, and I think they've decided that I am the worst dancer in the world as I did my happy dance around our hotel room (we are still away!) Thank you, thank you, thank you to Laura and Kazan for their faith in me and for my work. These two lovely ladies are two of the most inspiring women in the paper-crafting world, and I am truly honored to be joining their team of talented designers. I'm also so flattered by the nice things written about me in the announcement that I am blushing.
I hope you will all join in the fun and play along, BUT, you don't have to wait until my term begins. Check out 2S4Y every Monday to be inspired and to challenge yourself with some fabulous sketches! If you can't wait, head over there now to admire the Fab 10 that Kazan chose for last week's challenge...eye candy galore!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Noteworthy Birthday...

to view the image up-close, please click on the photo

Things here at TSB will be quiet for a couple weeks, as the family heads off on a summer adventure. We'll be tagging along with daddy on a working holiday and then to visit my folks in "fabulous" Las Vegas. (Translate: two 5-hour flights with a very active toddler means a "working" vacation for all of us!)
Moxie Fab has a very fun and cute challenge going on to celebrate their newest special publication, CARD Style: to make a fun and cute card! I have been very intrigued by the idea of a single-layer card, something I think should be easy, but can be challenging when you have a mountain of embellishments beckoning. For this birthday card, I kept it clean and easy with just some stamping, coloring, and a bright, satin bow (okay, I couldn't resist that one that cheating?) I drew in my own musical note and then I was finished with my easy-peesy Bibirthday card...this could become addictive!
Alas, I will be away from my crafting space for many days, but I will be hopping the blogosphere in hopes of more creative inspiration for when I return! Have a wonderful summer, all you crafty crafters!
BEAN NOTES: Taylored Expressions Garden Party Critters Stamps; Stampin' Up Close to Cocoa, Wild Wasabi, and Tempting Turquoise Classic Dye Ink; SU Wild Wasabi and Whisper White Card Stock; TE July Key Ingredients Satin Ribbon
HAPPY BEANS: Copic Sketch Markers; Copic Multiliner SP

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Delight in the Day...

to view an image up-close, please click on the photo

It has been so nice getting back into the groove of creating after my little break. I actually started this card yesterday -- it was my first attempt at the wonderful sketch from 2 Sketches 4 You. I abandoned it because I got an itch to make roses, which I didn't think fit with what I had in mind for this card. I don't like not finishing things I begin, so here is card number two for this week's sketch!
I wanted to make a card that would be appropriate for several occasions, but something feminine, classy and elegant. I began with the scalloped element from the sketch. I first die-cut the large scallop border, saving the negative. Next, I strung some pretty silver beads on clear thread, punching holes along each scallop peak and threading the beads into the scallops.
To create the circle windows, I first adhered the scallop negative piece to my patterened paper and then ran the whole thing through my Big Shot with circle dies in various sizes. To the back of the panel, I adhered some vellum to allow some soft light to shine through. Next, I framed each window with pink card stock and then die cut the elegant butterflies out of vellum. I used a rub-on sentiment on vellum and adhered it with vellum tape before using foam tape to assemble the entire card to a vellum card base. I was delighted with the finished card and pleased that it could be used for anything from a birthday to an anniversary.
BEAN NOTES: Stampin' Up Chatroom Rub-On; Memory Box Gossamer Designer Paper; Papertrey Ink Library Ledger Designer Paper; SU Pink Pirouette Card Stock; Sizzix for SU Beautiful Wings Embosslit; PTI Large Scalloped Border Die; Big Shot; Vellum Tape; Spellbinders Classic Circle Nestablilities; Foam Tape
HAPPY BEANS: Silver Beads (generic); Clear Thread (generic); PTI Vellum Card Stock

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Budding Birthday...

to view an image up-close, please click on the photo.

The lovely ladies at 2 Sketches 4 You provided another wonderful sketch this week. Interestingly, they are also choosing a new design team member (how excited was I for the amazing Angie Tieman, a fellow Gallery Idol contestant, for her recent honor? -- excellent choice, ladies, as Angie's work is some of the most creative out there!) I can't begin to think I have a chance, as their DT is one of the tops in the industry. But, a challenge is a challenge, and when I like a sketch I just have to make a card.
One of my very best friends, Natali, is celebrating a birthday soon, and I wanted to make her a pretty card that would show her how I think of her. Nat is a terrific mix of both sweet and refined, and so I thought I'd try to capture that in her card.
For this card, I began with the paper rosebuds. Though I find this to be a time-consuming technique (see sidebar for tutorial,) I think it well-worth the effort. I began by creating some faux suede in cream card stock and after making the buds sponged on some pink ink along the edges. I then added each to a punched green "leaves" and set them aside.
For the card base, I chose some pretty patterned paper and embossed a panel of So Saffron with an elegant embossing folder. I created a ribbon treatment from some gold organdy ribbon, which I knotted and then adhered onto a punched strip of pink card stock. I added a very happy sentiment and a few little pearls to finish off a card for my dear friend.
BEAN NOTES: Papertrey Ink Birthday Bash Sentiments Stamp; Stampin' Up Close to Cocoa and Regal Rose Classic Dye Ink; SU Certainly Celery Designer Series Paper; SU So Saffron, Very Vanilla, Pink Pirouette and Certainly Celery Card Stock; SU Scallop Border and 5-Petal Punches; Sizzix Embossing Folder; Big Shot; Amuse Pearls
HAPPY BEANS: Gold Organdy Ribbon (generic)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

U R Sew Sweet...

To view an image up-close, please click on the photo.
My mom-in-law's very good friend, Kit, is a master seamstress. As I can barely stitch a straight line, I am in unusual awe of her. She recently sewed an adorable little fleece blanket for our son, and I wanted to make her a special thank you card. As she is a creative inspiration to me, I thought the Moxie Fab Challenge: Finding Inspiration in a Layout would be the perfect place to start.
This wonderful layout from Jen Jockisch was the challenge layout, and I was so taken by the colors, the design, and the little details that I actually stayed fairly true to the layout, though I gave it my own little spin. I gave myself another challenge by only using scraps from my scrap box, which reminds me of a quilter's scraps. I knew this card was going to be a tough for me, as this is not my usual style, but that's why it's called a challenge!
I loved the idea of lined paper for journaling and so, after sponging some cute sticker letters, I added glitter and adhered them to the large circle element. I also cut out my own red heart and glossed it up with some glossy accents. The stitching on Jen's layout was so cute, and for my card, I employed a little faux stitching, as my sewing machine is buried somewhere in my closet! I was particularly tickled by the little pennant flags in the layout and so created my own stickpin flags to help me with my sentiment. As Kit's passion is sewing, I thought this punny sentiment would be just the ticket. I was inspired by Jen's handwritten entry and thought I'd emulate it with some embroidery floss. After stringing on a couple sweet buttons, I was all set to thank Kit for her thoughtfulness.
BEAN NOTES: Stampin' Up Fancy Flexible Phrases Stamp; Close to My Heart Little Dots Alphabet Stickers; SU Bashful Blue Classic Dye Ink; Pink Paislee, SU, and DCWV Designer Paper; SU Bashful Blue and Very Vanilla Card Stock; Spellbinders Classic Circle Nestabilities; Papertrey Ink Buttons; SU Dazzling Diamonds Glitter; Glossy Accents; Taylored Expressions Key Ingredients Satin Ribbon; Foam Tape
HAPPY BEANS: Push Pins, J0-Ann Fabrics Clear Gemstone Beads; Brown Embroidery Floss

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

When It Rains...

It's been well over a week since I posted to TSB, and I have to admit that I have used the time to recover from Gallery Idol. So, I'm doing a little bit of cheating today by posting a card that I made a couple of weeks ago. This card was one of two that I submitted to Paper Crafts magazine for publication -- this one was the reject, so I get to share it with you! I'm delighted to say that my other card was accepted, and it will be my first time in print come November.
To make the umbrella, I used an oval punch and a circle punch and created the shape out of some pink card stock that I had already embossed. I spent a while punching out little hearts in different shades and sprinkled these on the card. A few little pearls and a printed sentiment later, I was all done spreading a little love...
BEAN NOTES: (Unless otherwise noted, all materials are Stampin' Up) Pink Pirouette, Rose Red, Chocolate Chip, and Very Vanilla Card Stock; Wide Oval and 1" Circle Punches; Spellbinders Classic Square Nestabilities; Printer & Computer; Microsoft Lucida Bright Font; Hero Arts Pearls
HAPPY BEANS: Martha Stewart Hearts Punch

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Moment to Treasure...

Last week, I made a birthday card for our Aunt Karen, and over the weekend I finished her gift. Karen is going to be a grandmother for the first time this fall, when her daughter Katy is due. I thought I would make her a little keepsake to house a special moment, one of many, many to come.
For this project, I decided to create a photo holder out of one meant for a gift card. I love to re-purpose items from around the house, and this would make a perfect frame. Also, the Friday Challenge is called "Inside Out" in which sentiment stamps should be used both, well, inside as well as out!
I began with the outside, choosing some pretty designer paper and matching card stock for the background. Next, I carefully cut out this sweet bird from the designer paper after first adhering it to some card stock for stability. I stamped my sentiment in Groovy Guava and then die cut it onto an elegant label, sponging around the die like a stencil, and then gluing the bird down. I ruffled some stitched grosgrain and then popped the focus element over that, adding just a few sparkly rhinestones along the bottom.
For the inside, I carried over the designer paper, cutting out a different bird image for consistency. The sentiment for the inside would be perfect for a photo of Karen's grandchild, the first in the family since my own little boy was born. As we don't yet have a pic of the new baby, I thought I'd substitute a photo of my son when he was just a wee one, though of course Karen will replace that come November, when her daughter's bundle of joy arrives!
BEAN NOTES: JustRite Stampers Cherish the Memories Nested Sentiments and Seeds of Kindness Borders and Centers Stamps; Stampin' Up Groovy Guava Classic Dye Ink; Making Memories Chloe's Closet Designer Paper; Spellbinders Nestabilities; Big Shot; Clear Rhinestones (generic); Foam Tape
HAPPY BEANS: SU Groovy Guava Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon; Photograph

Friday, July 2, 2010

At the End of it All...

Gallery Idol 2010 is finally over!

It has been an absolutely insane and ridiculously fun few weeks and I am so happy to have been a part of something so special. Though I did not win, (a big congratulations to Gallery Idol Winner, Belinda Chang Langer!) I know I did my absolute best and I am really proud of how far I made it. I'm also excited, as this experience gave me the confidence to try to get my work published, and I'm thrilled to say that that is one dream that will be coming true in November!

I am not posting a card today because I thought I would instead devote space here on TSB to celebrate the amazing and wonderful people who supported and cheered me on throughout this process. Especially, I want to thank those of you who had never seen my work before, but who expressed such flattering admiration for what I was trying to accomplish.

I would like to encourage you to visit the creative homes of each and every one of these talented paper-crafters. If I have forgotten anyone, my sincere apologies. Please know that I am so thankful and appreciate all that you do.

Of course, first and foremost is Paper Crafts Magazine, and especially editor P. Kelly Smith, who shepherded all of us through the competition with pizazz and finesse!

Gallery Idol Finalists
You may not believe me, but many of the finalists have actually become friends. It was more than just a cordial competition, as the amount of respect we had for each other was apparent right from the get-go. In alphabetical order...
Ladies, it has been an honor and a pleasure!

The Stampin' Pretty Pals
If you want to talk about people who are friends who just happen to be paper-crafters, it is this group of delightful Stampin' Up! demonstrators, headed by the stellar Mary Fish. These gals (and a few guys!) rooted for me, sent me virtual hugs, and are, in a word: incredible. Unfortunately, I can't list all of them, so following is a small representation of talent above and beyond.

The Rock Stars
These are some of the biggest names in the paper-crafting world, and to me they are akin to celebrities. I was so tickled by the good wishes and I am so inspired by all of them, every day.

Last, but by no means least, I would like to thank all my friends and family, who rallied behind me. They live all over the country, and everyone was rooting for me to go all the way. Too many to name individually, but I do need to thank one person in particular, and that is my mom-in-law, Susan Mangum. She got me started with stamping and is my all-time biggest fan. She herself is incredibly talented (a World Card Making Day Winner, no less!) and I look up to her for everything. We talk cards every day and she is not only my son's Nana, but she is also my best girlfriend. She raised my darling husband, who has been pretty darn patient with me these past weeks! And, of course, my little sweetheart who says 'mommy has to do her work now' often enough that I think I'd better put the stamps down for a bit and give him a big smooch!

Thanks for indulging me. Now...let's get crafting!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Look Back...

I've had the wonderful opportunity to compete in Gallery Idol 2010. Voting has ended, and I wanted to take a look back on my little journey. For full details on any card, please click on the link next to each title. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me and for all the support, encouragement, and good wishes!

Now, here's a look back at my Gallery Idol journey so far...

Open Auditions - For All That You Do (Details)

I created this shaped card for the Open Auditions round. Out of over 900 entries, I was lucky enough to be chosen to be among the Top 20. The challenge was to make a 'Thank You' card, which is one of my favorite types of cards to make. I had no idea what this competition would be like, as it's the first of its kind that I have ever had the nerve to enter.

Top 20 Round - Sending You Sunshine (Details)

The first round was nerve-wracking because when I saw the line-up of talent, I felt like a fish out of water. There were names on that Top 20 List that I considered some of the biggest names in the card-making design world. I put forth my best effort for the challenge, which was "Creativity Heals," in which we need to make a sympathy, get well, encouragement, or thinking of you card. I kept my fingers and toes crossed!

Top 15 Round - When I Grow Up (Details)

I was thrilled to make it to this round, but boy, was I baffled by the challenge: Masculine Garage, in which we needed to incorporate items found in a garage in our cards! I scrounged around and found some good items and created my card with little hope of moving on to the next round. When I saw the other entries, my heart sank even further. But, I have some awesome supporters, so I knew there was still hope!

Top 10 Round - Big Top Birthday (Details)

When this began, I never imagined I'd make it anywhere near this round. When I saw that the challenge for this round was to use Ribbon in a creative way, I was excited. I constructed this shaped circus tent out of several types of ribbon and I have to say I just loved my card. I knew that if I didn't make it through to the next round, I would be really proud of my accomplishments this far.

Top 5 Round - You're the Pick of the Patch (Details)

I'm here among the final five and still pinching myself. It's the last round and the challenge is an inspiration challenge. If you'd like to see the other finalists' cards, click HERE. The winner of the whole kit n' caboodle will be announced tomorrow. Who knows? I may still have a shot, and it's been a wild ride...let's see where it takes me!