Tuesday, September 27, 2011

thank YOU (Cool Technique!)...

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I was supposed to be cleaning the house, but I decided those dust-bunnies could wait when I saw this week's Simon Says Stamp Dies Challenge as well as a cool technique featured on Make it Monday. I own a lot of thin dies and when I watched this video on how to use them to make my own chipboard accents, I was hooked! I got out these adorable little tag dies and decided to run them through my Big Shot several times using an old cereal box as suggested. After gluing the layers together, I was left with perfect little chipboard embellies!
I decided to make a thank you card (my fave) and stamped a letter with stamps from Taylored Expressions on each tag, pairing everything with some pretty patterned paper from my stash. A bit of lacy ribbon and I was all done!

Stamps: You're My Type- Upper & Lower (Taylored Expressions)
Cardstock: Aqua Mist, Terracotta Tile (Papertrey Ink); More Mustard (SU!)
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa (Tsukineko)
Patterned Paper: Autumn Vine (SU!)
Dies: Tiny Tags Collection, Medium Scallop Border (TE)
Fibers: Lace Ribbon (Kate's Paperie)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


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My uncle recently passed away after a short and startling battle with cancer. I hadn't seen him for several years -- the last time was in fact at my aunt's funeral. I was sorry I didn't get the chance to see him before he died and tell him that he would be missed. I'll always have very fond memories of playing at my cousins' home as a child. I wanted to send my cousins a card to tell them I was thinking of them and, though sympathy cards are so hard to make, I thought it might let them know that their dad was special to our family. I hope it brings them some comfort.
I was inspired by this week's Paper Players challenge to use an animal or plant on a clean and simple card. I always think of plants and flowers for sympathy cards, and simple always seems to work better for me. To make this card, I used the lovely Discover Your Wings from Taylored Expressions and stamped directly onto some pretty patterned paper. I paired it with the simple sentiment from Embrace Beauty and tore the paper, inking the edges and adding a peek of complimentary patterned paper, finishing off with a soft ribbon.

Stamps: Discover Your Wings and sentiment from Embrace Beauty (Taylored Expressions)
Ink: Chocolate Chip (Stampin' Up!)
Cardstock: Choice Buttercream (TE); Chocolate Chip (SU!)
Patterned Paper: Bayberry and Queen Bee (Pink Paislee)
Fibers: Dark Brown Taffeta Ribbon (generic)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blast From the Past Blog Hop!...A Star is Born...

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It's hard to believe that September is almost over, and I'm so glad that I had a chance to participate in this month's Birthday/Birth Day Blast from the Past Blog Hop with Taylored Expressions! This is an extra special hop because the inimitable Taylor has had a darling baby girl!
To celebrate, I decided to go with the "Birth" theme and make Taylor and new baby Madelyn Grace a card. For this one, I wanted to keep things very sweet and simple. I used one of my favorite TE baby sets, Bringing Home Baby (perfect, yes?) and colored in the cute baby carriage in shades of pink, adding a little sparkle with Stickles. Next, I fussy cut it and popped it up over a white card base on which I adhered a typed sentiment (with my new vintage Royal typewriter!) I added a tiny little star for the baby that is sure to grow up as big a star as her talented mama! Congratulations, Taylor (and Jon!) on your new bundle of happiness.

Stamps: Bringing Home Baby (Taylored Expressions)
Cardstock: Choice Snow (TE)
Accents: Diamond Stickles (Ranger)
Coloring Medium: Sketch Markers (Copic)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black (Tsukineko)

Now, hop on over to Bonnie Ratzloff's fab blog for more Birthday/Birth Day inspiration!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!...

My sweet and handsome brother-in-law, Scott, celebrated a birthday this week and I made him a card that I hoped would remind him of the fabulous vacation he and his fiancee, Marlene, took to St. Thomas a couple weeks ago. He knows how to have a good time, so I thought the sentiment on this darling stamp from Taylored Expressions was more than appropriate!
After stamping and coloring with Copics, I tore around the edges of the image freehand to give it a bit of a "castaway" look. I paired it with some cool patterned paper and a wood sheet to keep up the theme and added a ribbon and some cool eyelets for what I hoped was a fun masculine card for the uncle whom my son has always called "Uncle Soggy." Happy Birthday, Sogster!

Stamps: The Places You'll Go (Taylored Expressions)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black (Tsukineko)
Patterned Paper: Salt Air (Cosmo Cricket)
Specialty Paper: Wood Sheet (SU!)
Cardstock: Bleu Bayou (Stampin' Up!); Solar White (Neenah)
Coloring Medium: Sketch Markers (Copic)
Fibers: Soft Sky Stitched Ribbon (SU!)
Accents: Eyelets (generic)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Review: Photos on Canvas...

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One of the really fun sides of having a blog is that from time to time I get contacted by companies asking me to review their products. I'm choosy, because I think it's a lot to ask of my readers who come here looking for inspiration for paper-crafts to read about something different, though I will occasionally consider reviewing something that I think would make a nice gift. So today I am sharing something that I was really impressed with. As always, if you have any questions about this product, how it works, or the details of this review process, feel free to shoot me an email!
If you do read TSB regularly, you know I love to include photos in my projects, so I was immediately intrigued by the idea of turning photos to canvas. The nice folks at Easy Canvas Prints offered to send me an 8" x 10", but I opted to pay extra out of my own pocket for a larger, 12" x 18" canvas as I was hoping the results would be good enough to hang up in my home in a specific location.
The process was fairly easy. There are base settings included for free, but many things are customizable. After choosing my size, I added a gallery wrap for an extra charge, which thickened the canvas an extra inch. Though I didn't choose to use any, the company also offers photographic touch-ups and can change a photograph to black & white, etc.
For my canvas, I used one of my favorite photographs, which is of my son walking along one of the huge bluffs at Arches National Park. I love the sheer size of the walls surrounding him and it's a great memory of a wonderful experience. After placing my order, the finished canvas arrived fairly quickly and, perhaps most impressively, very well wrapped and protected. The image, despite having been enlarged and placed on canvas, was crisp and beautiful.
I do think these prints would make very special gifts, especially for grandparents or for a wedding. If you asked me if they are very affordable, I would be hesitant to answer that as what is affordable to one person may not be to another. However, I did feel that for the money, the canvas was high quality and it will be a pleasure to hang it up in our home.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Creepy Sweets...

Now that my little rugrat is attending full-blown pre-school, I've been thinking about making fun treats for his new little friends, especially for Halloween. However, for those of you who have little ones running around, you know you don't have much time to spare for those adorable little gift bags! So, I turned to a sneaky little trick: the pre-cut treat box! I used this super cute one from Taylored Expressions, pairing it with some fun patterned paper, a spooky fence, and some fun stamps from Fright Night Favors. A sweet little ribbon and I was all done in no time!

Stamps: Fright Night Favors (Taylored Expressions)
Patterned Paper: Matilda (Cosmo Cricket)
Cardstock: Basic Black, More Mustard, Whisper White (Stampin' Up!)
Dies: Spooky Fence (TE)
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black (Tsukineko)
Tools: Oval and Scalloped Oval Punches (SU!)
Fibers: Orange Satin Ribbon (Kate's Paperie)
Alterable: Scalloped Lid Box (TE)

Monday, September 12, 2011

A New Home for Nana...

My in-laws shared some really exciting news with us recently -- my father-in-law is close to retirement and they decided to buy a new house! It's a really darling little house near their old one where my husband grew up and we are so happy for them. I wanted to make a card to congratulate them on their new "digs" and so I got out my favorite house set, Cozy Cottages from Taylored Expressions.
I was inspired by this weekend's Our Creative Corner challenge, Wonderful Windows, so I stamped and colored this cute little shoe house, and livened it up with some bright, fun colors before fussy cutting and placing it behind a simple, popped up window. I added some border die grass and a blue sky background and the perfect sentiment. We'll be spending a lot of time at the new house -- beware of house guests who overstay their welcome, Nana and Papa!

Stamps: Cozy Cottages (Taylored Expressions)
Cardstock: Bazzil; Solar White (Neenah)
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa (Tsukineko); Pink Passion (Stampin' Up!)
Dies: Grass Border (TE); Classic Oval Nestabilities (Spellbinders)
Coloring Medium: Sketch Markers (Copic)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

True Friend...

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I've been a fan of My Mind's Eye for a while, but just recently discovered their blog and found myself faced with a fun sketch challenge. The theme is "friendship," which is always a nice one and I decided to make my mother-in-law a "True Friend" card. We have an ongoing joke between us that she won't purchase any friendship-themed stamps because she claims she doesn't have any friends to send a card to (which just cracks me up!) She's my best stamping buddy, so I thought I'd go ahead and violate her rule with a card to show her how much of a friend she is to me!

I'm still on a "going through my stash" kick and I re-discovered some beautiful designer paper from MME that I had been hoarding. I enjoyed looking through all my mountains of paper and, though it's always almost painful for me to cut into a gorgeous piece, I was happy with the finished results.

Stamps: "Friend" sentiment from World's Best set (Verve)
Patterned Paper: Penny Lane (My Mind's Eye)
Cardstock: Pear Pizazz, Very Vanilla, Chocolate Chip (Stampin' Up!)
Fibers: Twine (generic)
Accents: Decorative Brads (My Mind's Eye)
Dies: Medium Scallop Border (PTI); Go-Go Boots Alphabet Sizzlets (Sizzix)
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa (Tsukineko)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sending Some Sunshine...

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Over on the Verve blog, they are hosting a happy challenge for this month's Diva Dare, "Sending Some Sunshine." I thought I would make a card to send to a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a while and this was the perfect theme! I got out some of my fave stamps and paper-pieced this sweet balloon, pairing it with some pretty patterned paper. After going through my stash, I was a bit appalled by how many embellishments I have never used, including this fun sentiment frame -- a bit of threaded ribbon and I had a nice card to send to a friend!

Stamps: Up, Up and Away and sentiment from Accent Notes (Verve)
Ink: Riding Hood Red (Stampin' Up!); Memento Rich Cocoa (Tsukineko)
Cardstock: Riding Hood Red (SU); Choice Buttercream (Taylored Expressions)
Patterned Paper: Odds & Ends (Cosmo Cricket)
Accents: Very Vanilla Hodge Podge (SU!); Liquid Pearls (Ranger)
Fibers: Riding Hood Red Ribbon (SU!)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bonus Sketch Blog Hop WINNER!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who left such sweet and kind comments during last week's Paper Crafts Magazine Bonus Sketch Blog Hop! It was so fun to what you thought of my take on my chosen sketch and I'm so glad that I was able to inspire you to try more sketches! The randomly chosen winner of the copy of Card Ideas for Paper Crafters is:
Carol's Ink Spot
who said
"Love your card! Wonderful sketch and your take on it is beautiful!"

Congratulations, Carol! Your copy of the special issue is on it's way. Enjoy! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Knock! Knock!...Taylored Expressions Release Day!

TE Release Day!
  • All of the new products are now available for purchase! Check out the Fresh Out of the Oven Department for all the goodies!
  • More projects from the Baker's Dozen to inspire you.  Just follow the link list below.
  • FREE Party Favor with every order! Every order placed between Thursday, September 1st at 8 am PST and Monday, September 5th at 10 pm PST will receive a FREE Party Favor ranging in value from $2.50 - $10.00.  These are all fun products from the TE Store.  We'll chose a favor for you based on the amount of your order.  If your order total is over $100 (before shipping and tax) you will also receive the Sweet Party Petite stamp set as our FREE gift to you!  The set will NOT appear on your order, but we promise to include it in your shipment!
  • One more chance to win... head on over to our forum on SCS and tell us your favorite stamp set from this release. We'll be choosing one person to win their favorite set FREE!  You have until Sunday, September 4th at 6 pm PST to enter to win.

Woo-hoo! Happy 3rd Birthday, Taylored Expressions! Today is Release Day, and, as promised, I have another fun Halloween project to share with you today, this time featuring the very cool Spooky Wreath petite set! One of my favorite dies from TE is the Seasonal Wreath, a totally fabulous idea from my friend Jami Sibley, and this new one in the series is another winner. 

First up, I created a literal "door" card for my spooky wreath to hang from. I added a die-cut ribbon (using the Basic Bow Taylored Die) from the terrific Halloween-themed patterned paper from the Spooky Project Pantry and the eerie skull from another new release, Toil & Trouble. That woodgrain, by the way, is a previously released Impression Plate from TE, too!

You may have noticed that a lot of the Baker's Dozen have been featuring these darling little favor boxes all week. With every purchase of the Halloween Bundle, 10 favor boxes will be included, already die-cut and ready for you to decorate! For mine, I used the Spooky Wreath again to match my card, complete with bow. All the spiders and sentiments are also included in the set and that super-cute ribbon is from this month's Spooky Project Pantry. Before I could say "Boo!" I had a sweet little treat box to fill with spooky sweets!

Knock If You Dare Card
Stamps: Spooky Wreath and skull from Toil & Trouble (Taylored Expressions)
Patterned Paper: Apothecary Emporium (Echo Park)
Ink: Silver Metallic (Tsukineko)
Cardstock: Basic Gray, Basic Black (Stampin' Up!)
Dies: Seasonal Wreath and Basic Bow (TE)
Accents: Brad (generic); Tiny Twinkles (TE)
Templates: Wood Grain Impression Plate (TE)

Happy Haunting Treat Box
Stamps: Spooky Wreath (Taylored Expressions)
Patterned Paper: Apothecary Emporium (Echo Park)
Ink: Silver Metallic (Tsukineko)
Cardstock: Basic Gray, Basic Black (Stampin' Up!)
Dies: Seasonal Wreath and Basic Bow (TE)
Fibers: Ribbon from Spooky Project Pantry (TE)
Alterable: Take Out Box (TE)

Many happy returns, TE! The store is open, so help us celebrate by checking out all the Release Day fun by the rest of the Baker's Dozen. Thanks for joining me this week!

  • Charmaine Ikach 

  • Danielle Lounds 

  • Jen Shults 

  • Jodi Collins 

  • Karen Giron 

  • Melissa Sauls 

  • Melody Rupple 

  • Regina Mangum 

  • Sankari Wegman 

  • Taylor VanBruggen 

  • Tori Wild 

  • Wanda Guess 

  • and friend Jami Sibley