Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spreading the News...

We'll, it looks like our little family is going to be making a BIG move! My husband was offered a job in New York and, after a lot of agonizing decision-making, we're selling the homestead and heading for the Big Apple. It's going to be tough, but we're excited to introduce our little rugrat to big city life! So, since we have to be there by the end of August (I know, only a month to pack, sell the house, the car, get rid of furniture, etc., all while trying not to cry), I'll be taking a little break from posting. I have two posts set to publish around August 1, so please come back and check those out! Thanks to all my followers, and welcome to all of you who recently joined!


LeAnne said...

Wow, Regina, what a change! Hoping the best for you & your family....come back real soon!!!!

reeree62 said...

Wow... big changes! I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts & prayers for a smooth transition. You'll do great I am sure. Let me know if u need moral support...
Hugs, Ree (the "other" Bean's Mom!) XO

Anonymous said...

God bless you and your family as you make the move. Hang tough girl.
Pam L.